Let's Start...

Posted by Dez Huey | 10:13 AM | 1 comments »


My name is Desmond Huey, Dez for short. Thanks for checking out my blog, it is greatly appreciated. Well, I guess since you're here, you want to get to know about me and, exactly, just what it is I am set out to accomplish by writing this blog, right? Well, I'm a 22 year old living on my own in Chicago. Now, 22 years isn't a very long time in terms of life. However, during this period, I have noticed one very true thing about life; whether it be my own or someone elses. And that thing is, if we don't discipline ourselves then the world will do it for us. I am here to show the world that it is not sufficient to just breeze through life, because, then you will end up wherever the wind takes you. The real way to reach true happiness is to set sail and go the distance. LOVE, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These are the attributes that we need to realize the greatness that we already are. In this blog I am going to tackle the copious moral issues of todays world. We will discuss the differing points of view one may have on varying topics. The classic good vs. evil. Recognizing that, in reality, there really is only one true power. Good. For evil is but a mere shadow in a world surrounded by light. For most of us, the time it takes to realize this fact is long and tedious. But the time to transform is now. The world needs a makeover. Let's start with us. Thank you.